An African Negro Boy
Had been a magician's apprentice
Had changed himself into an elephant
Instead of changing an elephant into human
While he had been walking,
In the fields and mountains
A huge thorn had pricked his foot
The elephant had felt too much pain
He had asked the lion, the tiger, the eagle
The fox, the wolf, the owl
The rabbit for help
Whoever had seen the elephant had run away.
Mourning and crying
The elephant had returned to his village
His mother, father, uncle
Had escaped from the elephant with childish voice.
But brave Toro
Moro's friend
Hadn't known what fear had been
Had pulled the thorn out.
Moro had been an elephant forever
Hadn't left Toro
Their story had become
Legendary in the world.
Afrikalı bir zenci çocuk
Büyücü çırağıymış
Fili insan yapayım derken
Kendini fil yapmış
Dağlarda, bayırlarda
Gezerken ayağına
Kocaman bir diken batmış
Filin canı çok acımış
Aslandan, kaplandan, kartaldan
Tilkiden, kurttan, baykuştan
Tavşandan yardım istemiş
Fili gören korkup kaçmış
Fil ağlana, sızlana
Köyüne geri dönmüş
Anası, babası, amcası
Çocuk sesli filden kaçmış
Fakat cesur Toro
Moro'nun arkadaşı
Korku nedir bilmezmiş
Dikeni çekip çıkarmış
Moro hep fil kalmış
Toro'dan ayrılmamış
Onların öyküleri
Dünyada destanlaşmış.