A kangaroo hadn?t been able to have a baby
It had adopted a rabbit and had put it into its bag
The kangaroo had been happy and so had the rabbit
But the others had been angry so,
They had made a plan to get rid of the rabbit
They had kidnapped the rabbit while sleeping
The kangaroo had seen her empty bag when she had woken up
She had been shocked and sorry
And had made an arrangement with the poisonous snake
In the bag had been the snake and the kangaroo among the others
Being afraid of the snake the others had given the rabbit back
And they had said that that was a plan in a plan.
Kangurunun birinin yavrusu olmazmış
Bir tavşanı evlat edinip torbasına koymuş
Kanguru memnun, tavşan mutlu
Ama diğer kangurular kızgınmışlar.
Tavşandan kurtulmak için, bir plan yapmışlar
Onlar uykudayken tavşanı kaçırmışlar
Kanguru uyanınca bakmış torbası boş
Şaşırmış kalmış buna olmuş içi bir hoş.
Kanguru zehirli yılanla anlaşma yapmış
Torbada yılan, kanguru kangurular arasında
Yılandan korkan kangurular tavşanı geri vermişler
Plan plan içinde böyle olur demişler.