All that she said was true
all that she said was true
give her some time
give her some space
all that she said was true
Bütün söyledikleri gerçekti
bütün söyledikleri gerçekti
ona biraz zaman ver
ona biraz alan ver
bütün söyledikleri gerçekti
All that she meant was good
all that she meant was good
give her some time
give her some space
all that she meant was good
Kasdettiği herşey iyiydi
Kasdettiği herşey iyiydi
ona biraz zaman ver
ona biraz alan ver
Kasdettiği herşey iyiydi
How you reacted was right
how you reacted was right
give her some time
give her some space
how you reacted was right
Tepki gösterme şeklin doğruydu
Tepki gösterme şeklin doğruydu
ona biraz zaman ver
ona biraz alan ver
Tepki gösterme şeklin doğruydu