Homeward Rolling Soldier
With sleepy eyes we made our way across
Where friendship?s found friendship is often lost
With valiant wishes of becoming ends
But there will be no such with you my friend
I?m going home, going home
To be where my water meets my stones
I?m going home, going home
The social traveller journeys on his own
Darkness you can?t see where you?re going now
There never was light in your eyes some how
Who?s to blame when something living is dead?
So many words should have stayed in your head
So many thoughts should not have left your bed
I?m going home, going home
To tend to the lover and the dog
I?m going home, going home
He who yearns to age must firstly grow
That which is your prime you do not know
Boy boy boy boy
I?m going home, going home
To drink from the chalis of another
I?m going home, going home
To mount and feed and groom and ride alone
For he who is myself i do not know
Eve Dogru Yuvarlanan Asker
Uykulu gozlerle yolumuzu kesistirdik
Arkadasliklarin arkadasilik buldugu yer ender kaybolur
Cesur dileklerle veya sonlarla
Ama senin gibiler olmayacak arkadasim
Ben eve gidiyorum, ben eve gidiyorum
Sularimin taslarimla tanisacagi yerde olmak icin
Eve gidiyorum eve gidiyorum
Sosyal yolcu kendi basina yolculuk yapiyor
Karanlik, sen nereye gittigini gormuyorsun
Zaten gozlerinde hicbirzaman isik yoktu
Canli birsey oldugunde kim suclu?
O kadar kelime kafanda kalmistir
O kadar dusunce yatagini terketmemistir
Eve gidiyorum, eve gidiyorum
Asiga ve kopege yonelmek icin
Eve gidiyorum, eve gidiyorum
O, buyumek isteyen kendini evvela gelistirmeli
O ki senin mukemmelin olan ve senin bilmedigin
Genc genc genc genc genc genc
Eve gidiyorum, eve gidiyorum
Eve gidiyorum, eve gidiyorum
Yalniz binmek, beslemek ve timar etmek icin
Ben olan o icin, bilmiyorum