I was born in a battlefield
I was born in a battlefield
My mum and my dad
People treat me with suspicion
I don't know if i'm happy or if i'm sad anymore.
Mercedes Benz and necklaces have long been divided
And he needs a personal license plate and she needs a new man to hold
And everybody's wondering whats going wrong
With all their daughters and with all their sons
But if they look at themselves just once in a while
Well if they look at themselves
They wouldn't wonder why, anymore.
And everybody keeps wondering whats going wrong
With all their daughters and with all their sons
But if they look at themselves just once in a while
Well if they look at themselves
They wouldn't wonder why, anymore.
Those sleepless nights of childhood all the lying, all the fighting
I am living on my own so long
It's almost been forgotten but not quiet
And everybody's wondering whats going wrong
With all their daughters and with all their sons
But if they look at themselves just once in a while
Well if they look at themselves
They wouldn't wonder why, anymore
bir meydan savasinin icinde dogdum
bir meydan savasinin icinde dogdum
annem ve babam
insanlar bana kuskuyla yaklasiyor
artik bilmiyorum mutlu muyum mutsuz mu
Mercedes Benz ve kolyeler coktan paylasildi
ve onun kisisel bir plakaya ve oburunun tutunacak yeni bir kocaya ihtiyaci var
ve herkes neyin kotu gittigini merak ediyor
butun kizlariyla ve butun ogullariyla
ama yalnizca bir kez kendilerine baksalar bir sure
evet kendilerine baksalar
artik merak etmezler niye diye
ve herkes neyin kotu gittigini merak edip duruyor
butun kizlariyla ve butun ogullariyla
ama yalnizca bir kez kendilerine baksalar bir sure
evet kendilerine baksalar
artik merak etmezler niye diye
o uykusuz cocukluk geceleri, butun yalanlar, butun kavgalar
uzun suredir kendi basima yasiyorum
nerdeyse unutulmus ama sakin degil
ve herkes neyin kotu gittigini merak ediyor
butun kizlariyla ve butun ogullariyla
ama yalnizca bir kez kendilerine baksalar bir sure
evet kendilerine baksalar
artik merak etmezler niye diye