Why must we be put down when we try to get away?
Why must we all grow up when we could just play and play?
Good things in life are free, can't buy everything, that's true
Only one thing wrong with that, what it don't buy I don't use
Only thing I'm thinking of is "Why are we all here?"
There must be more to do at night than drinking rotten beer
The world's a very shady place, and you can't trust a soul
"Grin and bear it" seemed the thing, when it just gets a hold
At a later date - it might come out a fright
At a later date - I hope that you're alright
Human beings are dangerous and they call me in the dark
But everything gets twice as cold in marching for a lark
There's loads of things I'd like to do if I could find the time
Working really tires me and I think I'll turn to crime
At a later date - I hope they start it soon
At a later date - before we hit the moon
I just can't be bothered to make an effort here at all
People make you feel your contributions are too small
At a later date - I'll be awful great
At a later date - someone somewhere blew it
At a later date - at a later date
İlerki Bir Tarihte
Neden susturulmamız gerekiyor kaçıp kurtulmaya çalıştığımızda?
Neden büyümeliyiz hepimiz, oyun oynayabileceğimiz yaşta ?
Yaşamdaki iyi şeyler bedava-doğru,her şeyi satın alamıyorsun,
Buradaki tek yanlış-satın alınmayanları kullanmıyor olduğum
Düşündüğüm tek şey bu; neden hepimiz buradayız?
Geceleri bozuk bira içmenin dışında davar yapacaklarımız
Dünya gölgelerin karanlığında, güvenemezsin tek bir ruha
"sabırla, yakınmadan tahammül et" demelisin, ele geçirildiğinde
İlerki bir tarihte- bir korku ortaya çıkabilir
İlerki bir tarihte- umarım yaralanmamış olursun