Soft-soaped on the road to Hell.
Yumusak sabunlu yol cehenneme
So many times I've tripped and fell.
Cok kez kayip dustugum
No chances left.
Sansim kalmadi
The sky is falling down on me.
Gokyuzu ustume dusuyor
One step from the demons' fire.
Seytanlarin savasindan bir adim
Can't stop the train, and flames get higher.
Treni durduramam ve alevler buyur
Too late to save me.
Kurtarilmam icin cok gec
The wall's coming down on me.
Duvar uzerime geliyor
Broken wishes and broken dreams.
Kirik dilekler ve kirik hayaller
Close to the edge, I cut it lean.
Sona yakin, yaslaniyorum
No Regrets,
Pismanlik yok
The flame's getting higher on me.
Alev ustume dogru geliyor
Push the tempo, push the time.
Tempoyu arttir, zamani arttir
No excuses, not this time.
Bahane yok, bu sefer yok
No way out.
Cikis yok
The ground's opening up on me.
Yer bana aciliyor
Yeah...oh yeah...
Evet oh evet
Can you feel the heat?
Sicakligi hissediyor musun
Coming from the street.
Caddeden gelen
Pouring down on me...yeah..
Uzerime bosaliyor
They tried to keep me on a long thin chain,
Beni uzun ince zincirlemek istediler
Thanks, but no thanks just the same.
Sagolun ama hep ayni sagolun
You saw it coming,
Gelecegini gordun
The devil's got the jump on me.
Seytanin bende etkisi var
Lost soul on the road to Hell.
Cehenneme giden yolda kayip ruh
Wind up the motor and ring the bell.
Motoru hizlandir ve zili cal
No stopping now,
Durmak yok simdi
The pain's coming down on me.
Aci uzerime geliyor
Straight time on the road to Hell.
Cehenneme dogru direk yolda
No mercy time at the wishing well.
Dilek kuyusunda merhamet yok
No turning back,
Geriye donus yok
The Angels gonna cry on me.
Melekler uzerime aglayacak
Bu çeviri,'a aittir.