Başkası olma, kendin ol Don't be anything other, be yourself
Böyle çok daha güzelsin You are much more beautiful this way
Ya gel bana sahici sahici Come to me 'in honesty' & 'genuinelyYa da anca gidersin Go in the moment
Anasının kuzusu Mother's lamb
Ciðerimin köşesi Dearest corner of my liver (a term of endearment)
Kız bu neyin cakası Girl, what is this swagger?
Kız hepsi senin mi? Girl, is it all yours? (implying a major attitude)
Hepsi senin mi? Is it all yours?
Oynama şıkıdım şıkıdım Don't jump when you dance (like the sound coming from the cymbals or shaking your shoulders)
Ah yanar döner, a-acayipsin Oh it burns it 'turns & changes', you're amazing
Ne deli ne de divaneyim I'm not crazy or insane
Biliyorum sonunu I know you to the last (he knows how this love will turn out)
Sanma uðruna viraneyim Don't think for the sake of my ruin
Beyenmedim oyununu I know your game (he knows she is making him jealous on purpose by dancing for another)
Oynama şıkıdım şıkıdım Don't jump when you dance (like the sound coming from the cymbals or shaking your shoulders)
Ah yanar döner, a-acayipsin Oh it burns it 'changes', you're amazing
Hadi kasıl, hadi kapris yap Come on, show it off, be capricious
Hadi ben çekerim razıyım Come on, I can take it & I'm willing to endure it
You are the best, You are the top
Hadi, emrine amadeyim I'm yours to command