You can't kill the metal
The metal will live on
Punk rock tried to kill the metal
But they failed as they were smited to the ground
New wave tried to kill the metal
But they failed as they were stricken down to the ground
Grunge tried to kill the metal
Hahahahaha they failed as they were thrown to the ground
(Screaming) Aiieee Aiieee
No one can destroy the metal
The metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the metal
We tried to win for why we do not know
New wave tried to destroy the metal
But the metal had its way
Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal
But the metal was in the way
Punk rock tried to destroy the metal
But the metal was in the way
Punk rock tried to destroy the metal
But metal was much too strong
Techno tried to defile the metal
But techno was proven wrong
It comes from hell
Metali öldüremezsin
O her zaman var olacak
Punk rock metali öldürmeyi denedi
Ama yere çarparak başarısız oldular
New wave metali öldürmeyi denedi
Ama çöktüler ve başarısız oldular
Grunge metali öldürmeyi denedi
"hahahahaha" Yere atıldıklarında başarısız oldular
Çığlıklar (Aiieee Aiieee)
Hiç kimse metali öldüremez
O sana hain bir darbe ile saldırır
Biz metale karşı mağlup olmuş düşmanlarız
Biz kazanmayı denedik nedenini bilmeden
New wave metali yok etmeyi denedi
Ama metal yoluna devam etti
Ardından Grunge metali tahtından indirmek istedi
Ama metal hala yolundaydı
Punk rock metali yok etmeyi denedi
Ama metal hala yolundaydı
Techno metali kirletmeyi denedi
Ama technonun yanlış olduğu kanıtlandı
O Cehennemden geliyor