I believe submarines
Underneath deep blue seas
Saw the flag, Japanese
No one will believe me
Ran back to the town bar
And I told the people how
I had seen a submarine
And everyone laughed aloud
I did spy a periscope
Dead of night on the eastern coast
The police made them jokes
Told me I'd seen a ghost
Everyone thinks I'm a liar
No one knows the truth
If it was a bigger fire
I would be on the roof
Ships will rust in Baldwin Bay
(Let me go!)
No one trusts what I say
(I don't know!)
Oh my God, no one paid
Overnight my hair turned gray
(Oh oh oh!)
In the end it boils down to credibility
I had none, so I will die with the secrets of the sea
(Submarine! Can't find me!)
denizaltina inaniyorum
derin mavi denizler altinda
japonlar bayrak cekiyor
kimse bana inanmayacak
sehir barina geri kostum
ve insannlara bir denizalti
gordugumu soyledigimde
herkes yuksek sesle guldu
sahil kenarinin dogusunda
gecenin karanliginda bir periscopla casusluk yaptim
polisler onlara saka yapip
bana bi hayalet gordugumu soyledi
herkes bi yalanci oldugumu dusunuyor
kimse gercegi bilmiyor
eger o kocaman bi yangin olsaydi
durust olacaktim
gemiler Baldwin Boyda paslanacak
(gitmeme izin ver )
ne soylesem kimse inanmayacak
oh tanrim kimse ucretli degl
bir gece saclarim griye dondu
(oh oh oh)
sonunda kaynayip guvenle asagi indi
hicbiri yoktu bu yuzden gorunenin sirri ile olecegim